Wednesday, April 14, 2010

A visit to D.C.

One weekend I visited my friends in Washington D.C., highlights:

1. My friend nailed his ex girlfriend in bed of an OCD person that was out of town for the weekend.
2. One girl that was staying at the house, could only drive in a car if the window was down.
3. While at a party, a girl left me with her boyfriend while she hooked up with a 6'5 dude who went on to fight a midget in the front yard, while her boyfriend asked me questions about jail.
4. I convinced most people at the party that I just got out of jail.
5. The liquor store we went was encased in Plexiglas, so you point at bottles and they gave it to you through a drawer.
6. We went to an ice place to get a large ice block for shots and the guy said "a lot of stupid white frat boys buy this shit"
7. I had a beer poured on me, not really sure why.
8. We only ate once on the trip, unless count the beef jerkey I bought at the liquor store.
9. Apparently Baltimore is not that close to Virgina.

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